Monday, September 30, 2019

All That Glitters Are Not Gold Essay

All that glitters is not gold is a well-known saying, meaning that not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so. This can apply to persons, places, or things that promise to be more than they really are. The expression, in various forms, originated in or before the 12th century[1] and may date back to Aesop.[2] Chaucer gave two early versions in English: â€Å"But all thing which that schyneth as the gold / Ne is no gold, as I have herd it told,† and â€Å"Hyt is not al golde that glareth.† The popular form of the expression is a derivative of a line in William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice, which employs the word â€Å"glisters,† a 17th-century synonym for â€Å"glitters.† The line comes from a secondary plot of the play, the puzzle of Portia’s boxes (Act II – Scene VII – Prince of Morocco): All that glisters is not gold; Often have you heard that told: Many a man his life hath sold But my outside to behold: Gilded tombs do worms enfold. Had you been as wise as bold, Young in limbs, in judgement old Your answer had not been inscroll’d Fare you well, your suit is cold. Panning for gold often results in finding pyrite, nicknamed fool’s gold, which reflects substantially more light than authentic gold does. Gold in its raw form appears dull and does not glitter. â€Å"Not all that glitters is gold† is an alternative formulation.[3][4][5] The inverse of this expression, â€Å"All that glitters is gold,† is a lyric in the Led Zeppelin song, â€Å"Stairway to Heaven†, the Smash Mouth song, â€Å"All Star† and theDeath in Vegas song, â€Å"All That Glitters†. It is also used as lyrics in the song â€Å"A Guided Masquerade† by Alesana. A variation of the saying is used in Kid Cudi’s song â€Å"Pursuit of Happiness†, in which it goes: â€Å"I’m on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain’t always gonna be gold.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gerontology and Social Exchange Theory Essay

Introduction The fundamental biological problem that all theories of aging seek to explain was stated very elegantly in 1957 by Williams when he wrote, â€Å"It is indeed remarkable that after a seemingly miraculous feat of morphogenesis, a complex metazoan should be unable to perform the much simpler task of merely maintaining what is already formed.† The difficulty in attempting to establish an understanding of aging is that it is not a single physiological process. It is multifaceted and hierarchical in its expression with subtle changes occurring simultaneously at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organ levels. The variety of characterizes many species, particularly humans, and the complexity of environmental interactions results in an enormous phenotypic variability being associated with aging. This variability is frequently confounded by the symptoms of underlying pathology and invariably increases between individuals with aging. First Transformation of Theory The beginning of social gerontology began as general perspectives on aging rather than as actual scientific theories. Prior to 1961, social gerontology attempted to explain how individuals adjusted to aging from role and activity perspectives. Growing old was seen as an inevitable process that led to the development of problems an individual experienced overtime. It wasn’t until 1961, with the development of disengagement theory, that there was an actual theory being used as a basis for scientific research. A basic assumption of the theory was that all societies have to transfer power from an aging population to a younger one. Disengagement attempted to explain this process of power transfer and complimented gerotrancendence, another theory from what is considered to be the first transformation of theory. Gerotrancendence follows the beliefs of Jung and Erikson that as a person ages, they withdraw from the external world to an internal world focused on spirituality, wisdom, se lf-acceptance and purpose. Both disengagement and gerotrancendence theories attempted to explain what social gerontologists thought aging should be. They did not try to develop a universal theory to explain the variety of experiences of people as they age (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2011). In the case of disengagement, this withdrawal from power was  believed to be a universal experience that transcended gender and culture. Death was inevitable; decline in abilities was probably. It was only natural that others would have lowered expectations for aging individuals. In the case of gerotrancendence, this withdrawal resulted from an individual not achieving ego identity. An individual would either attain this ego identity, a positive regard for their life, or withdraw as a symptom of despair (Andrus Gerontology Center; University of Southern California, 2005) A third theory of the time period was continuity theory, which postulated that â€Å"individuals tend to maintain a consistent pattern of behavior as they age, substituting similar types of roles for lost ones and keeping typical ways of adapting to the environment† (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2011, p. 319). Individual satisfaction was dependent on how consistent a person was able to maintain the same patterns of behavior. Though attempting to challenge previous theories based on activity and disengagement perspectives, it also did not address any personality differences among aging individuals, nor did it address any political, social, historical or cultural influences on the experience of aging (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2011). It is interesting to note that though continuity theory attempted to challenge the activity theory, it was similar to the activity perspective that that was a positive relationship between social roles and life satisfaction (Howe, 1987). Alternative Theoretical Perspectives Alternative theories based on a symbolic interaction perspective were developed to address external issues affecting aging while also attempting to connect the disparate theories of activity and disengagement. Symbolic interaction perspective is based on the premise that as an individual interacts with his environment; his experiences of aging are shaped by these interactions. Three of these alternative theories are: age stratification theory, social exchange theory, and the political economy of aging. There are many similarities and differences between these theories. Age stratification and political economy theories are based on the belief that as people age, the differences in their aging experience is significantly influenced by stratification. Age stratification acknowledges the differences experienced by those sharing a similar history. Similarities among life events and societal changes experienced by these historical  cohorts affect these individuals in similar ways. In contrast, political economy theory rejects all previous theories and posits that differences between individual experiences of aging are determined by social class. Socioeconomic and political factors determine the disparity between different groups in an aging population. Social exchange theory is based on an economic cost-benefit model of social interaction. It could be said that there is a similarity between social exchange and political economy in that disparities experienced are social in nature. Whereas in social exchange theory, an individual is thought to be able to influence or change one’s environment as one adapts, political economy believes that inequalities are built into the political system. Political economy critiques the current system which lulls the individual into believing one has to adapt to circumstances, rather than changing society’s structural inequalities. Of the alternative theories, social exchange is the only one to address the influence of culture on the experience of aging. Social exchange theory believes that people interact with those whom they believe the rewards outweigh the costs of the relationship (Taylor, Peplau, & Sears, 2006). Though social exchange theory acknowledges that though a person may no longer have the same economic value when older, that the older individual possesses other non-materialistic assets such as wisdom, love, and time for service. As our society modernized, these assets have been overlooked by a culture that now places importance on efficiency and productivity (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2011). The Second Transformation The second transformation was developed in the early 1980’s. This transformation includes the following approaches: social phenomenology, social constructivism, and social constructionism. Both of which discuss the influence of social perceptions, rather than actual facts. Social phenomenology is an interpretative approach to an individual’s social life on a day to day basis. The purpose is to gain a better understanding of the aging process and how it is influenced by social definitions and social structures. This approach can be a very helpful guide when gaining understanding of an individual’s social life, depending on how the information is obtained. The outcomes for this approach will be solely based on the interpretations of the individual (s) obtaining this information. Not  everyone has the same social definition and or social structures, which could result in numerous interpretations (Hooyman& Kiyak, 2011). Social Constructionism and Social Constructiv ism are both phenomenological approaches that focus on social phenomena development, but are very different. Social constructionism is the sociological perspective and focuses on the social contexts and structural development. This approach would view how an individual structures their life which shapes their old age experiences. Social constructivism is interpreting the meaning of an individual’s social context, psychologically. From this approach the researchers want to know more information on why a person chooses a specific context and how an individual does decide a specific social context (Hooyman& Kiyak, 2011). Critical Theory and Feminist Perspectives are also influenced by phenomenology. Critical theory refers to the biomedical model of aging, but focuses on structural and institution factors. This theory is suggesting that those (older people) participating in research studies should be allowed to come up with the questions they are requested to answer. For instance, research conducted regarding retirement would recommend a series of questions complied by other retirees (Hooyman& Kiyak, 2011). The Feminist Theory concludes that age related research outcomes involve inequalities against wom en. This theory suggests that women haven’t been included in research studies as they should be. It’s even been stated that men have been favored over women. Due to these inequalities all other theories of aging are insufficient. These inequalities also include gender with race, social class, sexual orientation, and disabilities, all of which aren’t discussed as much as they should be (Hooyman& Kiyak, 2011). These theories are all based on assumptions, rather than actual facts. The text states, â€Å"To positivist, phenomenological theories may seem impossible to test and closer to assumptions about meanings than propositions that can be proved or disprove† (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2011, p. 326).Society has a huge impact on our perceptions of life, which aren’t consistent and change over time. A huge factor of perception is that it’s not necessarily reality and lacks proven facts. If the information being evaluated isn’t consistent, lacks factual information, and is based on assumptions it shouldn’t be used for practice, but could be a beneficial guiding tool (Hooyman& Kiyak, 2011). Postmodernist Theory Postmodernist theory represents a decisive break with modernity or a positivist scientific approach to an â€Å"objective† truth (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2011, p. 331). Postmodernism focuses on how our world appears today, rather than focusing on how an individual wishes for the world to be seen. Postmodernist theory reviews the whole of a person’s experiences during their life time and examines the body not from a biological standpoint, but rather by everyday social and cultural practices built overtime to construct the identity of the individual. The individual will physically change overtime, but their essential identity develops based on achievements and future goals. An area that continues to develop in postmodernist theory focuses on biomedical technology that can provide options for reconstructing failing body parts to slow the process of aging. Postmodernist and social constructivist theories share the link of knowledge as a socially constructed element and each indivi dual’s social life events create who they are. This diversity of perspectives alerts social gerontologists to be concerned with the connections between scientific inquiry and the social milieu at particular influential points in time (Putney, Alley, & Bengston, 2005, p. 95). Both areas focus on an individual’s construct based on a cultural framework of customs, traditions, and beliefs. Social constructionism and postmodernist take into account how individual experiences alter an individual’s aging process allowing the person to develop their own reality. Each area stresses the importance of the individual’s social framework to help sustain their self-worth as they age. In contrast to political economy of aging, postmodernists focus on the well-being of an individual not from a social class or political standing, but from their life experiences. Structural factors of gender, sexual orientation, functional ability, race, age and class can have negative effects that limit an individual’s later opportunities. According to Hooyman & Kiyak (2011), these structural factors—often institutionalized and reinforced by public policy—limit the opportunities and choices of later life, resulting in cumulative disadvantages in o ld age, which are further exacerbated by retirement (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2011, p. 323). These differences force aging individuals to change themselves and their lifestyles to fit income, health and physical care policy constraints forced  on them. Increased reduction in public health and social services creates a barrier for individuals to affectively age and receive proper care. Postmodernist theory follows the same framework of individual aging. It develops with the individual to meet their needs on a personal level and takes into consideration what the body and mind have both gone through as they have aged. According to Powell (2011), older people are usually ‘fixed’ to roles without resources which does not do justice to the richness of their individual experiences and multi-facets of their personalities (Powell, 2001, p. 6). Postmodernism clearly focuses on the importance of an individual’s ability to develop overtime through experience and uses biomedicine to provide options for maintaining an individual’s physical body. This provides a solid framework for aging that meets the needs of an individual from both physical and mental capacities. Conclusion While these are the dominant theories, many other theories are in varying stages of development. In addition, theories are constantly being tested and modified as new data from aging research emerges. It is only in the last half-century that researchers have begun to focus their attention on older adults as a population worthy of special consideration. While earlier theories of aging were few in number, narrowly focused, and generally negative, recent theories have emerged that establish aging as a multidimensional process. These theories view aging as characterized by positive as well as negative qualities and are more interactive in nature. They emphasize the interaction of biological, physical, and social factors in each individual’s age trajectory, and attempt to explain how older adults can minimize the negative and maximize the positive aspects of aging, in order to more fully enjoy the increased life span that comes with living in the 21st century. References Andrus Gerontology Center; University of Southern California. (2005). The Psychology of Aging: Lecture Part II. Retrieved from Hooyman, N. R., & Kiyak, H. A. (2011). Social Gerontology, ninth edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Howe, C. Z. (1987). Selected Social Gerontology Theories and Older Adult Leisure Involvement: A Review of the

Saturday, September 28, 2019

alturism Essay Example For Students

alturism Essay Altruism is used in discussions of ethics as an alternative to ethical egoism: the belief that people ought to be selfish. Altruism leads us to find a middle ground between being purely self interested and devoting our entire lives to the group. We learn that its not preferable to be too self interested, but can be harmful to devote all your energy to other people. A little too much self interest can be as harmful as too much virtuousness towards others. As an ethical egotist, what you might learn from altruism is; there are certain situations where it could pay not to be self interested. A good example would be several people stuck on a deserted island. If everyone left destined for their separate survival, surly only a few would live very long. If the people banded together, shared the work and supplies, surely most or all would survive longer.This shows that there are situations you can handle better when you chose to be in a group, then on your own. In conclusion I think any person should carefully consider before deciding to act in their own interest or act for a group that they are part in. People should try and think of what might be more beneficial for them in the long term as well as immediately. If the worst is true; and humans are purely selfish beings, what people should do is substitute a little altruistic philosophy in their thinking. This would help incorporate every self interested person into a group that functions better than any people could individually. It would probably help expand the available choices for people who feel they cannot make a decision. I think it can also lead the world in a more tolerant direction.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Paradise Lost by John Milton term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Paradise Lost by John Milton term paper - Essay Example venge over this, Satan or the Lucifer, in other words, decided to bring the downfall of man by making them to eat the forbidden fruit in the Paradise or the Garden of Eden. Consequently, one may have the temptation not to believe in Christianity by basing on the reason on what could make God allow Serpent to revenge on His creation (God) if He truly loved them. The story of the Paradise begins from hell where both the Lucifer and his followers recover from the defeat after losing the battle initially in the war they had with God. For example, they constructed a monument that they referred to the Pandemonium where they were weighing the options of making a return to battle or just to forfeit it by accepting the defeat. Consequently, they also had the considerations of exploring the new world contained in the prophesies of creation for effecting the safe infliction of their planned revenge against mankind. As a way of enforcing their mission with full force, Satan decided to undertake the task alone minus engaging his followers. He feared that his followers might suffer extreme damage or run away from him during the battle (Driven, 45). At the onset of the mission, Satan made a return to the earth through the serpent. As a serpent, Satan enticed Eve upon meeting her alone to have a taste of the fruit of the forbidden tree. Adam also with no fate also decided to eat the fruit (McGovern 45). Consequently, the two lost their innocence and, as a result, came to their senses that they are naked. Followed by the urge to protect themselves from shame and despair of such scenario, they became hostile to each other. However, Adam and Eve reconciled with each other despite Gods order to angel Michael to expel them from Paradise. In addition, the angel showed the pair the consequences of disobedience to God due to eating the fruit from the forbidden tree. Adam got saddened upon imagining the consequences of the sin told to him by Angel Michael though he got relieved from

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Emotional Labour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Emotional Labour - Essay Example In addition, they also use environmental context in regards to relationships and physical location to prompt emotion. On the other hand, men depend on the internal physiological changes to access how they feel and determine the appropriate emotion.  Emotional labour is the management of feelings by employees when providing organizations service and is required to display some set of emotions which are either verbal or nonverbal with the sole purpose of inducing specific feelings and responses to those whom the service is being rendered. Therefore, employees are expected to use their emotions to influence the emotional state of others (Glomb &Tews, 2004). This concept came about in 1983 by a sociologist by the name Arlie Hochschild who created the term ‘emotional labour’. She described the activities that employees do that are beyond mental or physical duties (Hochschild, 1983). This means employees showing a genuine concern for the needs of customers. This includes smi ling, shaking customers’ hands while greeting customers as well as making a positive eye contact while providing services to clients ( Jansz & Timmers, 2002).  Organizations should always place strategic importance on service orientation to both the external customers, workmates and internal clients as well (J.A & Feidman, 1996). When employees face clients when they are angry or when they are unpleasant, emotional labour can be challenging because it is difficult to hide emotions and continue to smile even when getting negative feedback.

Buddhist Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Buddhist Economics - Assignment Example tholics, Orthodox or Protestants have a lot in common, such as they agree with the standard of the New Testament, they own up to the Apostolic Creed and also assert the different institutions of the church. However a number of teachings such as the Gospel of Thomas, philips gospel and Gospel of Truth later came to be discovered at Nag Hammadi by an avenger. On the leadership, the Orthodox Christian group held the belief that leadership only belongs to a small group of persons whose authority could not be challenged in any given way whatsoever and the right to ordain such leader was a prerogative of the apostle. But the Gnostics rejected this theory and went ahead to call it the â€Å"faith of fools.’’ Resurrection then became a controversy where all Christians believed that only Christ or God hold that spiritual authority yet when questioned on who bears that authority presently, one Valentinus responds by saying that it is only the one that comes into direct contact with God that holds this authority. These historical sources all portray God as having been a malicious envier since He envied Adam having consumed   fruit from the tree of knowledge and their eyes being opened just as the serpent promised as described is eby    Gnostic. Clement, the author asserts that God is the ruler and master and should, therefore, be obeyed. He delegates these powers to rulers such as bishops, priests and deacons who must be equally respected and anyone who disobeys them deserves punishment of death! The Gnostics, on the other hand, do not like this idea as some of these leaders could be compromised or entangled by personal gains. Irenaes goes ahead to support this statement by even saying that there is only one true God and that it, therefore, means that there is only one true and one representative of God’s authority on earth- the bishop. Another newly revealed script gives words spoken by a womanly authority, giving the idea that God created both male and female while

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Limited Number of Parking Spaces at School Assignment

Limited Number of Parking Spaces at School - Assignment Example With facilitators and students competing for a space to park, there is a need for changes that will counter this issue (Will 250). Major strategies and steps are needed to ensure proper registration for parking at the start of every school year. Students should be provided with permits for parking, which will allow them the right to a parking space. By doing this, a record is provided that enables the administration to budget for the spaces available. In this light, expansions are required to cater for everyone. With the increase in students’ car ownership, there is a need to adjust the regulations set for parking spaces. For instance, use of adjacent land can be adapted in cases where schools have limited land resources. However, this will require the provision for residential parking. In addition, regulations can be set where there is parking timing and in residential where students are allowed hourly parking. This step will ease congestions and ensure that every individual has an opportunity to park. In other aspects, this problem can be dealt with via the limitation of parking privileges. Restrictions can be given for senior students only. Limiting the number of students driving to school will eventually minimize and discourage others from driving. Therefore, the use of individual vehicles will reduce, and space will be created. Introduction of parking fees will also help minimize congestions in parking spaces. This can be paid per year or semester. By introducing the fees, only individuals willing to pay will have parking spaces. Furthermore, the revenue collected will be used to improve the parking lots. In other instances, the capital can be utilized in expanding and acquiring other land that can be used for parking. Providing free parking for everyone encourages individuals lacking the right documentation to drive. This leads to increased incidences of accidents in the school. Therefore, proper documents should be submitted for every individual w ho will be driving. This will eventually ensure that only students with proper qualifications are allocated space for parking. Hard work should be put in the devising of residential houses to discourage use of cars. This can be achieved by huddling all parking in the exterior of development regions. In essence, this will discourage residents from driving to the interior of the residents. It will also limit the ownership of automobiles and thus ensure that the limited space available caters for the few individuals. Sharing services can also be implemented. Having a car on site for use when individuals require transportation is another step that can help reduce competition for parking. For example, ensuring that a bus is available at all times for the students. Building a parking garage in the schools for the students sees to the utilization of the limited space and creates enough parking spaces for all. This helps to improve the flow of traffic and parking overflow. Garages ensure en ough space is available for everyone as they create room for vehicles. Collaborating with local organizations to create a sharing relationship of facilities is another way of solving parking problems. This step will seemingly help to reduce the rates for parking and ensure that reticent spaces for parking are available. For example, allowing development areas to use the school parking during the weekends and holidays while students utilize their space during school days (Beatley 54). Another way could include adapting

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Information ethics reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Information ethics reflection paper - Essay Example From the past few years, it has been observed there has been a growth in information ethics in the field of information science (Kaddu, â€Å"Information Ethics: A Student’s Perspective†). In the recent times, it has been ascertained that due to the growth in the use of the internet and e-commerce, there has been a rise in the ethical issues related to information systems. The internet has made it very simple for various firms to collect, assimilate and distribute data or information that has elevated concerns regarding the proper usage of consumer information, privacy of personal information, and security of intellectual property (TechRepublic, â€Å"10 Ethical Issues Confronting IT Managers†). There are various specialized insiders who have the skills of misleading information systems through inappropriate ways of submitting phone histories and averting cash transactions in such a way which cannot be imagined in the pre-computer period. Organizational examples of ethical issues elevated by information systems involve Enron wherein the top three managers were convicted for misrepresentation of information to its shareholders and WorldCom, one of the biggest te lecommunication firms in the United States wherein the top executives were convicted for using illegal methods of accounting. In addition, it is also observed that Merrill Lynch was convicted for supporting Enron in creating vehicles which did not have any business purpose. Therefore, it is worth mentioning that there is a requirement for the establishment of responsibility for the result obtained from information system, along with determining certain standards that protect the quality system which safeguard the information of the individual in the society and preserve the values that are considered very important for the quality of life of an individual in the society (Pearson Education,† Ethical and Social Issues

Monday, September 23, 2019

Extra 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Extra 1 - Essay Example Apart from that they reflect the particular era and time during which the play took place. The scene designer designs the background of the play with the colors that bring out, the right texture and desired mood to the audience. As the play unfolds Tartuffe succeeds in convincing Orgon to allow him to stay in his house indeterminately. He is opportunistic as he manipulates the allegianceaccorded to him by Orgon to manipulate him to his own advantage. He starts his schemes by pretending to be a staunch Christian and managed to fool Orgon to believing on every word he said (Steiner and Wilbur 35). Tartuffe tries to seduce Elmire, although she is frustrated by the foolishness of her husband, she does not give in to his advances. Unsuccessful he convincedOrgon to terminate the engagement of his daughter to a young man called Mariane whom she is madly in love with. The daughter refuses to get married to this hypocrite, but she is in a dilemma because she believes that a daughter should obey her father (Steiner and Wilbur 55). The maid, who is convinced that Tartuffe is only after the family’s fortune,makes sure that Valà ¨re and her lover are back together.In the play she is the only one who sees through Tartuffe’s malevolence right from the start. She turns out to be a very intelligent character in the play although ironically the maid is perceived to be a very insignificant job in the society (Steiner and Wilbur 95). Paradoxically the church is misrepresented by the character of Tartuffe who turns out to be one of the main characters in the play. The actors try to bring out the theme of the play strongly by mastering the lyrics and context. Although they have the challenge of being inexperienced, they also manage to bring out the character traits of the key thespians. Conversely it can be observed that there is poor coordination between the actors, when they are in the stage

Saturday, September 21, 2019

National Security Council Essay Example for Free

National Security Council Essay The recent trend characterizing the US security policy is the gradual strengthening of the National Security Council. Under G. Bush administration this body gained significant power and influence. In this paper I’m going to investigate the reasons for this trend as well its advantages and disadvantages. In the international practice, National Security Council is generally defined as an executive body coordinating national security issues. National Security Council consists of the heads of departments involved in diplomacy and defense with a relatively small number of staff members. The US National Security Council was established in 1947 and substantially amended in 1949; the same year it was placed in the Executive Office of the President. The powers and influence of the US NSC has been gradually increasing during the second half of the 20th centuries; this trend is evident presently, too. As for the structure of the council, it is chaired by the President and encompasses Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the statutory military advisor to the Council, the Director of Central Intelligence as the intelligence advisor. The Chief of Staff to the President, Counsel to the President, and the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy have a right to be present at any meeting of the Council; others can be invited to attend NSC meeting if appropriate. The functions of the NSC are â€Å"considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials. † (National Security Council official website, http://www. whitehouse. gov/nsc/) Every President made major or minor change in the powers and functions of the NSC in order to adjust it to his own management style. The ultimate goal of the NSC under Bush administration is to ensure collegiality among different departments coordinating military and diplomatic issues. But the functions of the NSC nowadays are much wider. The expert report that â€Å"the NSC today conducts ongoing relations with the media, Congress, the American public, and foreign governments. † (Daalder Destler, 2000, A New NSC for a New Administration, http://www. brookings. edu/comm/policybriefs/pb68. htm) Even the official sources define the Council as â€Å"as a means of controlling and managing competing departments† and it’s functioning â€Å"depended in no small degree upon the interpersonal chemistry between the President and his principal advisers and department heads. † (Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, History of the National Security Council, http://www. fas. org/irp/offdocs/NSChistory. htm) The NSC is refered to as the â€Å"key foreign policy player in every administration since John F. Kennedys. † (Daalder Destler†¦) I strongly deem that the trend of NSC becoming more influential reflects the general trend of Presidential power becoming more authoritative. The fact that Condoleeza Rice rivals Colin Powell in influence is to a certain extent causes to the relations between Condoleeza Rice and the President. Another reason is that she had been an influential public figure in academic and political circles before joining the NSC. Karl Inderfurth and Loch Johnson (2004, p. 180) in their book Fateful Decisions: Inside the National Security Council states that â€Å"Rice perhaps most closely resembles McGeorge Bundy, of the Kennedy Administration, who was the first non-invisible national-security adviser†¦Ã¢â‚¬  George Bush in the first National Security Presidential Directive stated that â€Å"The NSC shall meet at my direction. † (National Security Presidential Directive, 2001, http://www. htm) The positive side of it is that the President can quickly obtain a qualified advice when needed. The negative side is that the NSC is an easy tool for controlling and redefining diplomatic and military policy of the county without consulting other major defense bodies. The same Directive states: â€Å"Except for those established by statute, other existing NSC interagency groups, ad hoc bodies, and executive committees are also abolished as of March 1, 2001, unless they are specifically reestablished as subordinate working groups within the new NSC system as of that date. † George Bush adjusted the Council to his own needs approximately after a year in the office. This is one more important reason why the President relies more on the NSC than on traditional bureaucracy. The structure of the NSC is relatively transparent and clear; it includes a limited number of members, although it has grown in size recently and resembles a governmental agency rather than an advisory committee. I would like to elaborate on another factor that contributes to the situation with the NSC. After the tragic events of 9/11 George Bush established the Office of Homeland Security under the governance of Tom Ridge, the President’s close friend. The functions of the NSC and the OHS often overlap; the possibility of the NSC becoming hegemonic in the sphere of homeland security decreased. Still, its role in the national security is hard to overestimate. Daalder Destler (2000) propose a clear list of reasons why the NSC evolved in the key agent in defence and foreign policy. They state that it was caused by â€Å"the half-century development and legitimization of the NSC as presidential coordinator for mainstream national security issues†¦[and]†¦the post-cold war expansion of the foreign policy agenda, with more issues that require coordination across more agencies†¦[and]†¦the deepening of partisanship in Washington, particularly over the last decade. † It’s hard to give a solely positive or negative evaluation of this trend. From one angle, the NSC is flexible and is able to react rapidly to any security threat. It may seem rational to grant excessive powers to the NSC. There would be no need to employ the bureaucratic machine of numerous agencies dealing with diplomacy, military aspects and homeland security. The NSC should be organized in such a way so that â€Å"the president can make clear foreign policy choices in a timely manner. † (Daalder Destler ) Daalder Destler study emphasises that the NSC major task is integrating the US foreign and defence policy, and it’s of high importance in the era of global terrorism. From another angle, the NSC is powered by the President, and there exists much space for manipulation. Recently, the NSC doesn’t manage efficiently with coordinating the national security bodies. For instance, some tension exists in relations between the NSC and the agencies like CIA. Now let me proceed with drawing the final conclusion of the paper. There exists a clear trend of the National Security Council becoming more influential and powerful under the George Bush administration; this happens for compelling reasons. The positive or negative evaluation of his trend largely depends on the degree of efficiency of the NSC organization and functioning. References 1. The White House, National Security Council http://www. whitehouse. gov/nsc/ Last accessed: 15 Oct 2004 2. Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State, History of the National Security Council, 1947-1997 http://www. fas. org/irp/offdocs/NSChistory. htm Last accessed: 15 Oct 2004 3.National Security Presidential Directive, February 13, 2001 http://www. fas. org/irp/offdocs/nspd/nspd-1. htm Last accessed: 15 Oct 2004 4. The Brookings Institution, Foreign Policy Studies, Daalder, I. H. , Destler, I. M. , A New NSC for a New Administration, Nov 2000 http://www. brookings. edu/comm/policybriefs/pb68. htm Last accessed: 15 Oct 2004 5. Inderfurth, K. F. , Johnson, L. K. 2004. Fateful Decisions: Inside the National Security Council. Oxford University Press.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Nonverbal Communication In Romantic Relationships

Nonverbal Communication In Romantic Relationships Imagine a father is waiting for his daughter in the waiting room at a hospital while she is having major heart surgery. He is praying to see her come out with a full recovery, yet he knows the difficulty of the procedure. The doctor slowly walks over, rubs his neck, and suddenly freezes. Then the father watches as the doctors face tells an unfortunate circumstance. Although not one word was said by the doctor, tears fall fast down the fathers face, and he realizes that his daughter has just passed away. The message the doctor was trying to convey was received without trying, and his actions portrayed said everything he couldnt. This is called nonverbal communication; all intentional and unintentional messages that are not written, spoken, or sounded (Hamilton, 2008). This paper will explain Kinesics and voice quality in nonverbal communication and show its importance to romantic relationships. Research Nonverbal communication is usually believed over verbal communication. Most researchers believe people have a harder time controlling nonverbal signals than verbal ones (Floyd, 2009). Lets say, for example, that John is asked if he is lonely now that his significant other left him for another man. Although his first verbal response might be of course not, he may slump down in his chair and give out a heavy sigh as he speaks. It becomes very obvious then that John is actually lonely. His actions speak far more than his words. However, one must understand that nonverbal cues are not limited to only vocal communication. One of many studies done at the University of California Los Angeles stated that up to 93 percent of communication effectiveness is determined by nonverbal cues. Another study stated that the impact of a performance was determined 7 percent by the words used, 38 percent by voice quality, and 55 percent by the nonverbal communication (Heathfield, 2010). Although most scholars and researches believe that communication is done nonverbally, it is hard to determine exactly how much. Some researchers have developed various hypotheses and even formulas to give meaning. For most people, nonverbal communicating is simply a part of their daily communicating process. It is realized that it is going on, but not how important it is in every communicating relationship. Experts generally agree that when two people are engaged in a face-to-face conversation, only a small fraction of the total message they share is contained in the words they use. A large portion of the message is contained in vocal elements such as tone of voice, accent, speed, volume, and inflection. The largest part of the message, and arguably the most important, is conveyed by Kinesics. This defined is the combination of gestures, postures, and facial expressions. In persuasion, nonverbal messages can support or interfere with the verbal messages that a person is delivering (Preston, 2005). Many put all their thoughts into what they say; however, most people dont realize that most of what they are relaying is done nonverbally. Most people think before they speak, but not many think about how the other person will interpret their message. Characteristics of the voice, known as vocalics, have unique paralinguistic cues that influence interpretation of verbal communication. They are as follows; pitch, inflection, volume, rate, filler words, pronunciation, articulation, accent, and silence (Floyd, 2009). Its a combination of these that help to convey meaning of what is said or thought. Although a large portion of the message is contained in vocal elements, it is not the largest portion. The largest part of interpretation in communication, and arguably the most important, is conveyed by Kinesics. Facial expression is the primary means of expressing emotion. For example, imagine an old man who grabs for the first bite of his Volcano Taco, and suddenly his jaw drops. He starts to pant, but not before he waves his hand around his mouth as if it were a fan. As he starts to turn red, his eyes begin to water. It doesnt take rocket science to decipher that the taco was hot and clearly too much for the old man. Often people use nonverbal behaviors such as facial expressions or gestures to indicate how someone else should interpret our messages. For instance, one might smile and wink to indicate that we are being sarcastic or raise their eyebrows to signal that what they are saying is very serious (Floyd, 2009). All these behaviors are examples of how we can use nonverbal cues to meta-communicate with those around us. Application Nonverbal communication is everywhere. Although words sometimes cant say it all, our nonverbal cues usually can if intercepted correctly. This is why knowing how to control and read nonverbal communication is key in not only making but also keeping romantic relationships. Nonverbal behavior cues are especially important for several key features of relationships. These include attraction and affiliation, power and dominance, and arousal and relaxation (Floyd, 2009). Men often misinterpret a womans innocent smile or compliment as a sexual come-on. Gender stereotypes imply that men are socialized to over sexualize the world. In two studies Rebhahn reported that researchers discovered that men tended to overestimate womens sexual interest, while women underestimated mens willingness to commit (Rebhahn, 2000). It is obviously sometimes hard to intercept nonverbal communication, especially in relationships due to the dynamics. As humans, we tend to acknowledge the most dominant nonverbal c ues and decipher them without further investigation of other cues. Every time a person is able to hear or see another , it gives them a chance to pick up nonverbal cues. Box office movie hits do just that. One is able to watch closely as actors use Kinesics and vocal quality to give an audience a feel of authenticity. The many different variations can be seen in the hit movie The Ugly Truth . The movie centers around two actors, Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler. Katherine plays a morning show producer who is a control freak and also has issues finding and keeping men. The story takes on a new role when Gerard is given air time on her show to speak his mind on his chauvinistic sex stereotypes. Throughout the romantic comedy, Gerard helps Katherine develop her romantic skills in hopes of starting a relationship with the perfect man. With trials and tribulations, the two fall in love and beat their issues. As one can imagine, romantic relationships are full of nonverbal communication. The following paragraphs give examples on nonverbal cues found with in the scenes. In one of the beginning scenes Katherine is home watching television. It just so happens that Gerard is on his own television show, The Ugly Truth. He is expressing his concepts on relationships, and Katherine feels strongly against his opinion. Thats why she decides to phone in. During this time they both batter back and forth. Her Kinesics during the conversation is full of nonverbal cues. When she first calls in, she makes a quick, hard comment to Gerard. You can tell she is comfortable and confident by her cues. She is sitting relaxed on her bed. She rolls her eyes as she talks about what she believes to be his ignorance. She is quick in what she is saying, yet she is talking very smoothly. Her entire demeanor altars once the conversations becomes sour for her side. Even though he is not in the same room, she stands up and starts to wave her hands to prove her point. Her voice starts to rise as she becomes more and more frustrated. Before she had a smooth flowing voice, and now s he is emphasizing words that she is trying to relay importance to. Later in the movie, Katherine gives an obvious nonverbal cue that cant be ignored. After recording Gerards first show on her station, she is overwhelmed with his tactics and material. Later she is then found by her assistant and boss lying down in a closet. Once her boss told her that the ratings from that show were at an all time high, she jolted up. Although one would imagine she was excited, this cue tied with her facial expression suggested that she was disappointed. She wanted badly for him to fail in order for her to produce respectable news. After her coworkers leave, she shuts the door and lays back down. This is just one more example of how down in the dumps she feels, and that she wants to be left alone. Even though she says so little, she still expresses her emotions successfully. Conclusion Nonverbal communication is a phenomenon that is existent in every conversation. Every person uses various aspects Kinesics and vocal quality, and most dont even realize it. This paper has illustrated that what we do in a conversation gives meaning to the words we use. It establishes fear, love, hate, excitement, and so much more. The understanding of nonverbal communication in romantic relationships is significantly important. In order to further develop personal relationships, one must realize the power nonverbal cues have over them. Now, one should have a better understanding of nonverbal communication and why it is imperative to know that people speak with their actions!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals Ess

The role of ethics in organizational behavior is the underlying factor to the success and longevity of any organization. A set of rules and guidelines focusing on promoting safety, trust, and responsible practice within the workplace must be established internally. Organizations develop code of ethics that center upon the promotion of good. Ethics are vital in developing trusting relationships between employees and administration within. A code of ethics highlights the responsibility and accountability standards of each and every employee within the organization. These codes are also motivating factors that guide the employees’ behavior, set the standard regarding ethical conduct, and build an organizations trustworthiness within their surroundings. (McShane, Gilnow, 2012). The role of ethics in organizational behavior can negatively or positively impact an entire healthcare entity. If employees are educated on the importance of practicing ethically at all times, and the organization as a whole operates unethically displayed values of an organization are then in question. Before employees can begin to practice ethically the organizational foundation of standard must be rooted. Every individual regardless of position should be held accountable for their actions. Healthcare organizations are very influential and play an active role within the community. The decisions of a healthcare organization can easily sway the community’s perspective and damage developed relationships. The community is the heart of any healthcare organization. Consumers come from within the community, and if they seek elsewhere a healthcare organization can falter. Employees may feel better connected to an organization that values and appreciates their... ...are. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Retrieved November 14, 2013. Lin, M. Chuen-Teng, H. Hsien-Hsein, C. Ching-Huey, C. (2012). Exploring ethical aspects of elective surgery patients’decision-making experiences . Nursing Ethics. Retrieved November 17, 2013. McShane, S. Von Glinow. (2013). Organizational Behavior 6th Edition. McGraw Hill. New York, NY. Field, M; Lo, B. (2009). Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice. The National Academies. . Retrieved November 1, 2013.

Computer Simulations of Physics :: Physics, Computers, Applications, Technologies

Computer simulations are used very much in physics. Simple ones are used to do demonstrations of basic mechanics problems that would not normally be possible. Complex ones are used to simulate problems involving fluids, plasma, and turbulence. Some of these simulations are so complicated that entire installations are dedicated to them. There are many different applications of physics simulations. Almost all things in physics can be demonstrated. However, many of these things are much more fesable to simulate rather than to a physical demosntration. Many mechanics problems fall into this category. While bringing a pool table into the classroom is nearly impossible, running a computer program that simulates balls on a pool table is no problem. Also, with a computer program it is possible to simulate ideal situations, with frictionless surfaces, massless wires, and no air drag. Computer simulations also let us examine situations that are unlikely, but still demonstrate the basic laws of mechanics. Very often, computers are used to simulate complex systems in physics. Two systems that computers are very often used in studying are plasma and turbulence. Computer simulations are used extensivley, if not almost exclusively. Many plasma simulations such as those shown above are simulations of plasma in a Tokomak, a fusion reactor. They are simulated because large amounts of computer time are still cheaper than building a working reactor. Turbulence Computers are also used for numerical analysis of turbulent flows in fluids. Often, a point-by-point substiitution into the Navier-Stokes Equations (below) will be used. Most simulation of physics is done solely for research.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Awakening Essay -- essays research papers

The Awakening   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The novel, The Awakening by Kate Chopin, was written in the late nineteenth century in St. Louis after her husband Oscar died of a severe illness. Her book appeared in 1899, after she was idolized by many novels written by Darwin and Sarah Orne Jewett. Her first attempts at writing were just brief sketches for a local newspaper that was only short descriptions of her life in Louisiana. However, Chopin’s interests had always run along more risky lines, as reflected in her diaries, letters, and fictions. Her most common subject was female subjugation and freedom. When The Awakening appeared, Chopin was severely criticized for depicting a sexualized and independent-thinking woman who questioned her role within the southern patriarchy. The disapproval surprised Chopin, and she never quite recovered her faith in her own work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were many themes discussed throughout The Awakening, many of which are very important to the concept of the novel. The main theme is the awakening from the slumber of patriarchal social convention. Edna who is the main character pronounced in the novel, must rouse herself from the life of dullness that she had always lived. What she awakens to, however, is so much larger than herself that she ultimately cannot manage the complexity of it. Edna awakens to the concept of self-discovery and must live to embrace it. This theme is deeper than the obvious themes of independence and women’s rights, however, The Awakening presents suicide as a valid solution to problems. People commit suicide because of isolation and loneliness or a serious disruption of one’s life. It is easy to connect these with Edna’s life. The isolation of her small house, the disruption caused by Adele’s death, and the common good of her children. However, her suicide had nothing to do with any lack of personal freedom. Edna, for the most part did anything she wished to do, and there were no signs that she was intending on stopping. The suicide was more of a lack of good, healthy alternatives that lead her to do so. Robert had left her in attempt to protect her, himself, or possibly both. This lead Edna to pursue a romance with Alcee Arobin, in which she secretly kept quiet in order not to hurt her children. None of these options satisfied her though, longing for the one who â€Å"awakened† her. She... ...oughout the reading. In no sense should any of it not be. She helps people understand her views and opinions on the life of people during those ages, and how she might have saw things. Everyone has an outlook on life and living in terms of turmoil can be expressed easily in her writing. Chopin’s writing is kind of wry and sympathetic about expressing the turmoil, telling a story of Edna and her tragedy. Although she told it in third person, the content follows Edna and her thought processes clearly and easily. The dialogue often reveals the sharp disjuncture between thought and speech. Kate Chopin’s true artistry is at work here. Generally, the voice is observant and non judgmental   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Awakening tells a story of independence, freedom, and will power unheard of during the times of it’s publication. It is a stirring book that forces you to confront tough issues throughout the novel. It paints a picture of what goes though the mind of a person who loses hope. The Awakening tells us a story from the perspective of the oppressed. It is far more than a romance novel with a tragic ending. It is a book about the choices one will make to protect one’s freedom.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Insurance Management Project Report Essay

Problem Definition: Understanding the problem in the existing system & finding requested solution is the most important activity while planning the project. Hence the developing a new system we must get through problem associated with the current system. In the old system, the user was maintaining the records like Policy Holder Details, Policy details, Premium Payments, Agent Details, Company Details and bill in the paper sheets. Searching Problem: Searching is very difficult in file. Accessing, Deleting and Adding Problems as the user has to do it manually. The retrieval of data is time consuming, as the user has to search the whole file even for a single data. For updating record the user has to search particular record first and do the updates which are time consuming which was a big problem. The data that has to be deleted should also be crosschecked as it might lead to missing data. Objective and Scope of the project: Our main aim of the project is to get the correct information about particular Policy Holder, Agents, Policy or Insurance Company and to reduce human efforts. The user can maintain all the records about Policy Holder Details, Agent Details, Insurance Company, Policy Details, Premium Payment Details and Bill and save it in the database. The user can also maintain the record of his Policy Holder. The user can easily insert and retrieve the record without any training. The searching is made easy. The user can search the record by Date, Policy Holder name, Record number, etc. In this we have used crystal report for business objects as per the client’s requirement. In crystal report the user see the information about the particular Patient. Conclusion: The â€Å"Insurance Management System† process made computerized to reduce human errors and to increase the efficiency. The main focus of this project is to lessen human efforts. The maintenance of the records is made efficient, as all the records are stored in the SQL database, through which data can be retrieved easily. The navigation control is provided in all the forms to navigate through the large amount of records. If the numbers of records are very large then user has to just type in the search string and user gets the results immediately. The editing is also made simpler. The user has to just type in the required field and press the update button to update the desired field.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Women’s Self Esteem: NOT Because of the Media

The subject of media’s impact on women has been a big issue for several years now.   However, how does self esteem or one’s concept of oneself really develop?   Does the media really have any influence on this?   No, the media does not influence women’s development of self image.   Women’s self-images come from a number of internal sources, including their natural role as nurturers, how their needs are met, and other personal things. First of all, a person develops as a part of a family.   A little girl will learn, based on her family’s actions, to either trust or mistrust peoples’ intentions, as per Erik Erikson’s series of crises.   This will tell her, in time, whether she is worthy of positive attention or not.   If she is worthy of positive attention, then she will begin to develop good self esteem and a positive self image.   If, however, her family is cold or neglectful towards her, she will develop a negative self image and poor self esteem. As the girl grows into a teenager, these early experiences will prove far more important than any outside sources.   A teen who was raised in a loving household will be far more likely to have a positive self image than one who was not.   This has nothing to do with the media, only with personal influences.   As the teen grows into a woman, she will come to see her role in life based on these experiences.   If her experiences were positive, she will see herself in a positive light, and will probably want to give to others.   If her experiences were negative, she may be selfish and will see herself in a negative light. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs will affect a woman’s self esteem, too.   A woman who cannot even get her basic needs met, or who hasn’t had them met since childhood (food, water, shelter) will develop a negative self concept, because she may believe she was not worthy of anything.   She will also be far more concerned about getting these needs met than anything else, which doesn’t allow for higher needs.   If a woman’s need for love and belongingness aren’t met (through friends, family, lovers, etc.), she may also have a lower self-esteem. A woman who has many friends and loved ones, who is well liked, will have a higher self esteem.   A woman who is having all of her needs met and who is striving towards self-actualization should have very high self esteem, because she feels fulfilled in all areas of her life, and is able to strive towards betterment all the time.   This also allows for a solid self concept. Women who have met challenges in their lives and won will tend to have higher self esteem than those who have not been challenged or who have lost.   A woman who has always had good friends, who has always had her needs met, and who has always excelled in some area will have a much better self concept than one who has had few friends, has sometimes not had her needs met, and has infrequently, if ever excelled at anything.   These individual influences determine much more about a person’s self esteem than does anything as elusive as the media. Women traditionally have a role as nurturers.   Even if an individual woman does not necessarily feel like a nurturer, this will still have to play into her identity as a woman.   A woman who accepts her role as a nurturer and a caregiver will likely be less conflicted, and more likely to have high self esteem.   A woman who is a nurturer is meeting her role in society and in life, and therefore would feel more fulfilled.   A woman who is not a nurturer may feel guilty, and may have lower self esteem.   Some women who are not nurturing are able to get beyond their feelings of guilt and be happy and have high self esteem anyway, but it is a conflict that almost all women must face in their lives. Outside sources are not nearly as important to women as their own internal conflicts and their personal lives.   A woman who is secure in her family and friends, and in her own power (as an individual with intelligence and talent) is less likely to care what the media or any ‘unknown’ source says.   The media may portray women any way they wish, but women who have a solid personal life are not going to be swayed by it.   Women who, on the other hand, do not have a strong self concept, are probably also not swayed by the media.   They already feel like they are bad, stupid, ugly, etc., and what the media portrays is not going to change that, either.   Outside sources are not big influences. With all of the internal sources, it is clear that the development of self esteem is a lifelong process, one that starts in very young children and continues into adulthood.   People who have their needs consistently met and who face challenges and win them will develop healthy self esteem.   Those who do not have their needs met or who lose challenges will not develop healthy self esteem.   This happens regardless of anything that goes on in the media.   In general, people vastly overestimate the importance of the media in the development of self esteem.   It is assumed that the media can actually change anything in a girl’s life, when in reality, her own life experiences are what guides her in developing her self esteem and self concept.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Fundamental Positions

Carinosa †¢Is a Philippine dance of Hispanic origin from the Maria Clara suite of Philippine folk dances, where the fan or handkerchief plays an instrumental role as it places the couple in romance scenario.. Folk dance †¢Is a form of dance developed by a group of people that reflects the traditional life of the people of a certain country or region. Folk dancing originated in the 18th century to distinguish dance forms of common people from those of the upper classes. Folk dances, unlike most other dance forms, tend to have no stringent rules, and are sometimes formed spontaneously among groups of people.The steps of folk dances are passed through generations, rarely being changed. Folk dancing is usually associated with social activities, although some folk dances are performed competitively. Terminology †¢Is the study of terms and their use. Terms are words and compound words that in specific contexts are given specific meanings, meanings that may deviate from the m eaning the same words have in other contexts and in everyday language. The discipline Terminology studies among other things how such terms of art come to be and their interrelationships within a culture.Terminology differs from lexicography in studying concepts, conceptual systems, and their labels (terms), whereas lexicography study words and their meanings. Terminology is a discipline which systematically studies the labeling or designating of concepts particular to one or more subject fields or domains of human activity. It does this through research and analysis of terms in context for the purpose of documenting and promoting consistent usage. 5 Fundamental Positions †¢Standing Fundamental Position †¢Knee-standing Fundamental Position †¢Sitting Fundamental Position †¢Lying Fundamental Position †¢Hanging Fundamental Position

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Project Management Tools/Methods Essay

Over the years, Information Technology (I. T) projects has been known to fail, that is, they are either completed with over budget or not completed within time and budget. Information Technology projects are often complex and detailed in nature and require cognitive knowledge and skills for its accomplishment. I. T projects are often difficult to estimate and manage as some projects are either cancelled or reduced in scope because of over budgeting and time overruns or failure to produce anticipated benefits (Kumar, 2001). Failure of I. T projects is often characterised by the inability to meet the customer’s requirement or change in requirements during the project. To achieve a successful project, monitoring and control process performance is important, that is, control of Information Technology projects involves the use of appropriate management frameworks/methodologies and planning tools. In this report, we are going to look at the various ways of we can monitor and manage I. T projects, evaluating some management frameworks/methodologies and planning tools used with critical analysis on their functions, benefits as well as their weaknesses. Project monitoring and control are steps taking to keep track of a project process to ensure its success. Project monitoring is the gathering of information to determine the current state and progress of a Project in relation to its expected state and success (McBride, 2008; Aljibouri, 2003). Despite efforts put into project planning, things do change or occur that cause our project to derail. At this point, an effective monitoring and control process is useful and required to get the project back on course. It is in the control and monitoring process that we keep track of the project process, identify deviations, and determine and implement corrective actions. Many Organisations tend to manage I. T projects in an unstructured or ad hoc manner throughout its life cycle with limited understanding of the relationship between I. T project implementation and traditional business performance metrics (Stewart, 2008). The attention to schedule and cost are of utmost relevance in project monitoring and control as well as the scope of the project, risk and change control plus the overall performance measurement and reporting. The essential purpose of project monitoring and control is to alert the project manager to any project inter-dependencies that are becoming critical in terms of delivery date, resource allocation, cost or benefits (Lycett et. al, 2002). The basic challenge of project management in achieving its goals it based on managing effectively its typical constraints which include time, scope, budget. The following activities are involved in monitoring and control of I. T Projects; * The adoption of appropriate management framework/methodology – reporting structure, assessing progress, communication. Use of Planning and scheduling tools/techniques e. g. Gantt chart, PERT, CPA, WBS e. t. c * Data control – reporting progress of risk or staff activities MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORKS/METHODOLOGIES Project management methodologies can be said to be a set of principles or guidelines that can be defined and applied in monitoring and control of projects. Project management framework defines and determines how to initiate and run a project. These various methodologies ensure; * Clearly visible and defined management process for project execution * Defined line of reporting and decision making Risk management * Staff are appropriately trained and suitable to handle and run projects * Commitment to the proposed project. There so many various methodologies available as it all depends which suits the organisation practice. Here are a few of some well known ones below: PRINCE 2 – It is an acronym for Project IN Controlled Environment. PRINCE 2 is a structured project management methodology and a widely used standard for managing I. T projects. It significantly provides assistance with the optimal usage of resources with risk management initiatives to manage projects. Elkington and smallman (2000), argues that though the PRINCE 2 method has greatly increased the success rate of projects, but it has little in the way of directing project managers in handling project risk. It offers no advice to project managers on risk estimation. PRINCE 2 promotes consistency of project work and also facilitates staff mobility, reduction of personnel change impact. The method also provides for the absolute recognition of project responsibilities in order for participants to understand each other’s role. The Prince 2 method helps you work out who should be involved and their responsibility. Due to the numerous changes attached to I. T projects, PRINCE 2 has a technique of controlling the impact of change in a project so as to prevent the project from derailing from the right direction. SSADM – Structured System Analysis and Design Method is a method widely used in information system development in the U. K. it is based on data flow diagram. SSADM divides a system development project into stages, steps and tasks and provides a framework for analysing projects in a defined way to manage project. It aims at improving project management and control, develop quality systems, and establish a framework for good communication among personnel in a project team. It also ensures project continuity if there is a loss of staff without any effect on the project success (Middleton and McCollum, 2001). However, some limitations occur in the use of SSADM as it puts much emphasis on the analysis of the system and its documentation. This causes the impact of over-analysing, and can be cost and time consuming. Also, due to various types of description method, consistency checks cannot be carried out. The outline diagram can become very unclear, especially with large systems because all relevant data flow have to be included. Agile Methodology – Agile Development is a term that covers several iterative and incremental software development methodologies. This agile methodologies includes Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Dynamic systems development method (DSDM), Crystal, Feature-Driven development (FDD) e. t. c â€Å"Agile Software development represents a major departure from traditional plan –based approaches to software engineering â€Å"(Dyba and Dingsoyr, 2008). Each of these Agile methods is unique in its specific approach, but they all share a common core values and vision. Agile method is a new system development methodology which is used by software development teams to improve the software development process in terms of increased productivity of I. T personnel and higher quality of the final I. T solutions (Chan and Thong, 2008). According to Chan and Thong, (2008); Reifer, (2002), agile methodologies, such as Extreme programming (XP) and Scrum have received praise from practitioners because of their abilities to deal with volatile requirements. Although the deployment of these agile methodologies by I. T personnel is still resistance, industry surveys have indicated that its acceptance in I. T organisations is still at an early phase with many respondents indicating a limited knowledge (Chan and Tong, 2008). Also, in as much as the agile method have generated quite a bit of controversy, but since its entrance into the software community, most projects have continued to deliver high quality software systems within time than the traditional processes. BASIC I. T PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLANNING AND SCHEDULING TOOLS Different types of planning and scheduling tools exists, but we are going to discuss some of the basic one used in managing Information technology projects like Gantt Charts, CPM, PERT, WBS Gantt chart and Critical path Analysis flow diagrams are two commonly used tools for detailed project management planning, scheduling, costing and budgeting. Gantt chart is a typical scheduling method for most types of projects. A Gantt chart provides a graphical illustration of a schedule which helps in planning, co-ordinating and tracking specific tasks in a project. A key feature of Gantt charts is its focus on systemic rather than algorithmic solutions to utilisation problems† (Wilson, 2003). It specifies complex task sequence, that is, a task or more can be required to be completed before other tasks can start. According to Maylor, (2001), he emphasizes that the use of Gantt chart in controlling information systems projects is beneficial as it shows clearly the overlap of scheduled task s, which commonly occurs in system development. Gantt chart supports modification of task dependencies, creation of new task connector as well as re-scheduling individual tasks. It also helps to evaluate the progress of a project. Although, Gantt chart is a widely used and beneficial tool which gives clear illustration of project status, it also has some limitations. Gantt chart do not show task dependencies of one task to another, that is, it is difficult for you to see or tell the effect of a task falling behind schedule of which PERT chart does. Also, Gantt chart does not show the necessity of completing one task before the start of another as Critical Path Analysis will do. Gantt chart is also often used as a reporting tool. PERT and CPM Type Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM) are useful tools that help to manage and schedule complex projects. Activities of a complex projects can be performed parallel and some sequentially. The collection of these activities can be modelled as a network. PERT type network looks for the schedule to minimize the objective function of the total elapsed project time, that is, it determines the start and the finish times of each activity or task. CPM type is based on the critical path method. It looks for the schedule with the minimum cost in a definite period of time (a case where the cost is associated with each task). CPM provides a graphical view of a project, helps predict the time required for project completion and shows which activities are critical to maintaining the schedule and which are not. â€Å"CPM execution can enable monitoring and control over various topics uniquely related to software projects† (Gelbard et al, 2002). The CPM considers a set of precedence relations between the tasks of a project, that is, some tasks must be finished before other tasks can be started (Conde, 2009). CPM helps to plan all tasks that must be completed as part of a project. When managing I. T projects, CPM helps to get a project back on course by showing you where remedial actions need to be taken as in the case of Gantt Charts. CPM type is deterministic as it uses a fixed time estimate for each activity. According to Chanas and Zielinski, (2001); Yakhchali et al (2009), they emphasizes that the importance of CPM is that the activities duration time are deterministic and known, but the assumption cannot always be fulfilled with satisfying accuracy. Therefore, in order to deal with imprecise durations, they suggested that PERT method be used, which has conception of random variable with beta distribution to model the activity times. However, CPM is simple and easy to understand, but it does not consider the time variations that can have a huge impact on complex project completion time. For less routine projects, there is more uncertainty in the completion times of which PERT network is an alternative as it allows a range of durations to be indicated for each activity. The reduction of time and cost required for project completion is one of the capabilities of a PERT network. PERT assumes that the time estimate for an activity lies within the range of earliest time and latest time. It uses a three time estimates (optimistic, most likely, pessimistic) to compute the expected average time. However, PERT technique provides less benefit if the uncertainty of time estimates is relatively small and irrelevant. Chanas et al, (2001) and Conde, (2008) agrees that the PERT assumes beta distributions for the individual task completion times but also that the assumption and some other conditions are not exempt for criticism. â€Å" Apart from that, PERT provides a scheduling mechanism that is based on resource reallocation and ordering the project activities for cognitively driven task like software projects and research/development projects. â€Å"The main drawback of PERT technique is the difficulty of obtaining the time estimates† Changes do occur in I. T development projects, of which most often result to failure of the overall project. Controlling changes provides stability to projects. Changes to project agreement must be evaluated and recorded accordingly. According to Wang et al, (2008), change control facilitates software flexibility by controlling risks due to unstable scope and run-away requirements. Change control is necessary in project monitoring as it ensures; * Prevention of unauthorized use of resources * Proper update of project plan, its scope, budget expectations, schedule and quality * That the recommended change is consistent with external agreements. Monitoring and control process is no doubt necessary in project development by use and application of methodologies, tools and techniques. However, evaluating the various ways, their functions and characteristics, it can be said that there is no better of f methods as they have their benefits and weaknesses in various areas which other encompasses and vice versa, in other words, there is no-one –fits-all methodology. In practice, project managers have found out that it is difficult to simply use a methodology or tool exactly as it stands. But, it can be said that a good and successful project which delivers quality result, within time and budget are generally dependant on the quality and effort of participants from the project board down to the individual team members.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Internet and the Role it plays in the Lives of Consumers and Term Paper

The Internet and the Role it plays in the Lives of Consumers and Businesses - Term Paper Example line Advertising 13 The Ability to Purchase Goods and Services at any Time 14 Timely Customer Service 14 Announcements and Promotions 14 Improved Bargaining Power for Customers 15 Share Experiences on Company Blogs 16 Disadvantages of the Internet for Customers 16 Conclusion 17 Bibliography 18 The Internet and the Role it plays in the Lives of Consumers and Businesses What is the Internet? According to Shuman (2001), it is gradually becoming more and more difficult to reach a consensual working definition of what exactly is the internet. However, it can broadly be defined as a worldwide interconnection of thousands of separate computer networks. The Internet was originally developed in the 1960’s in the United States and it was intended to help link the country’s government agencies with various universities and colleges. However, the internet’s real expansion was first witnessed in the early years of the 1990’s when thousands of different companies as wel l as millions of individual persons realized that they could actually be able to easily afford the necessary telecommunication technology as well as the graphic browsers that are found to be vital in securing access to the internet as well as exchanging messages (Oggerino, 2001). Since its introduction, the internet has played a strategically vital role in revolutionizing communications and computers. The internet is found to serve multiple roles by acting as a mechanism through which information can be disseminated, a vast and intricate world-wide broadcasting capability as well as acting as a medium that allows interaction and collaboration between various computers and the individuals operating them all over the world regardless of their present geographical location (Betz, 2011). The Internet is widely...These benefits are seen to range from reduced advertisement costs for businesses, large market share and penetration to making it easier for business organization in general to be able to carry out cheaper and more effective market surveys. Customers are also able to experience several key benefits that are seen to result from the role played by the internet such as it is now relatively easier for customers to be able to make various purchases from their homes, they are also able quickly compare the price of a given commodity between different stores before making a purchase a factor which makes them gain more bargaining power. However there are several innate disadvantages that have been seen to affect both customers and businesses as a result of the role that the internet is seen to play. Some of these disadvantageous roles that are played by the internet are seen to include, increased risk of identity theft on the part of the customers and the common fact that business enterprises and especially so those in the entertainment industry are finding it increasingly difficult to adequately safeguard their intellectual properties (Fatayerji, 2004). Regardless of the specific role that the internet has been seen to have played that has impacted either customers or businesses, it’s continuous and general influence cannot be ignored and it is important for all business organizations and customers to ensure that they continuously evaluate it so as to effectively determine any advantages they stand to reap or the potential dangers resulting from the role played by the internet.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

IKEA Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IKEA Company - Essay Example The company had a trend of keeping culture; this was followed an upheld the through hiring young people who had never worked in any of the companies. In some other countries such as in the UK Company’s growth was reported to be slow (Haskel and Wolf). From opening branches in the foreign countries, the company acquired some valuable lessons that enabled its future expanding. So far the company has identified India to be its largest target market, and it is planning to invest billions of dollars by opening more stores.Basing focus on the concept and the business model of this company, it has a target with middle level global and also looking for prices for the design of their furniture and household items (Haskel and Wolf). The designation of the products is done to reflect on the global line that is vital and that they can be used as the trademark for the firm. Finding the right supplier for each item is a consideration that the company is devoted to winning competitive advant age over it, competitors. To be outstanding in the market, good relationship with the suppliers plays a vital role. Self-provision is an establishment that the IKEA Company has put into practice in the period of half century. Globally, the firm has become the most successful retail establishment in the world. The numerous foreign markets and the lessons that were learned have propelled its expansion from its failures. In the period of 1970s, the company had a competitive advantage over other firms that generated the same product.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discrimination - Essay Example Being of the minority of Chinese descent living in the United States, I am often subjected to racial discrimination on matters that might not even relate to me personally. Such prejudice is a result of the generalized misconceptions (Ruchlis 2) that people have fostered about the Chinese population in the United States, and I often fall victim to such stereotypic prejudice (Ruchlis 1). Working as a cashier in a store, one day I was faced with a situation in which a white lady made a ride remark about my ethnicity. Our store has a policy that customers can only use a card to make a purchase if the bill amounts to a minimum of three dollars. This lady bought a lollipop and wanted to make the payment through a credit card. I politely explained to her that this was not possible since her transaction did not amount to the minimum set by our store manager. Instead of trying to abide by this rule, she commented that such a behavior was typical of â€Å"you Chinese people†. I was disa ppointed and heartbroken by this comment, as it was not my fault and I had no way of assisting her. Nevertheless, I was viewed as a troublemaker for the customers just because of my ethnicity. I feel that had the cashier been a white native, he or she would not have been subjected to such comments by the same customer. This is an example of the social prejudice that people nurture in their hearts when they have too little information about a group of people whom they have to deal with on a daily basis (Ruchlis 2).... This discrimination, according to Ruchlis, forms the third level of social prejudice (8). On the other hand, I sometimes act as a perpetrator, too, practicing social discrimination and prejudice against certain groups of people that I either do not like or do not feel comfortable with. I have often held a negative view about the black population of the area that I live and work in. Some of this discrimination has resulted due to unpleasant experiences that I have had with that group (Ruchlis 2), and those feelings of resentment have been augmented by the general views of my friends and the people around me about the black populace (Ruchlis 4). I generally believe them to be rude and stingy, and although I am well aware that holding such negative notions about a community in general is faulty on my part (Ruchlis 3), I still keep on harboring such feelings. For instance, just recently a black lady came to our store to buy groceries. It was the first time she had come, so she needed som e directions as to the location of certain items and some help with choosing among the options. Although I assisted her, my manner was very rude. I did not address her as â€Å"ma’am† or â€Å"lady†, rather I answered her questions in merely â€Å"yes† and â€Å"no†, and overall had a very exasperated air to me. Thinking that she would be so stingy as to deny me any tip for assisting her, I did not put my best foot forward, and did not give her my best advice. Nevertheless, she was very sweet of me, and on her way out at the counter, she gave me a handsome compensation for helping her, which was very surprising for me. She has not visited the store since then, so

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Cracker Control Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cracker Control - Assignment Example They also need a Backtrack Live CD and a compatible wireless adapter that links with CommVIew for Wireless hotspots (Philip, 2008). These tools enable the wireless card to assume a monitor mode that helps in capturing data packets. A strong Wi-Fi network signal also enables the cracker to connect and disconnect from my network with ease. Hydra is another tool that performs fast dictionary attacks against numerous protocols thus facilitating cracking of systems. Numerous security principles or processes can address this problem when effectively implemented. These include the establishment of access control mechanisms and End-to-end encryption. Moreover, SSID hiding, MAC ID filtering, Static IP addressing, access control and integrity controls, and training on computer security can address this problem (Federal Trade Commission, 2011). We should also configure router passwords and firewall that prevent Wireless hotspots (Kent & Steiner, 2011). Other security principles include identifying the kind and purpose of personal information stored in files and on the computer (Federal Trade Commission, 2011). Keeping only the relevant information and disposing of irrelevant data in a proper manner can help in addressing this problem. Moreover, protecting stored data and establishing proper measures of responding to security threats avert cracking (Federal Trade Commission, 2011). Ultimately, nobody should divulge personal data without proper authori zation. These measures can limit crackers from gaining control of my network and

Monday, September 9, 2019

Strategic Managemet of Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic Managemet of Human Resources - Essay Example Its mission seeks to propel the organization as the global leader in innovation of the best products and services. In order to realize its full potential, Microsoft employs the best talent and its chairman Bill Gates upholds that talent utilization and innovation are essential if success is to be attained in the globally competitive environment. As such, the corporation adopts flexible and dynamic human resource strategies and policies to ensure it retains its global competitiveness, diversity and inclusion. Microsoft corporation strategic management of human resources Introduction The current business state refers to how the key functions of an organization (Microsoft); including messaging systems are currently attaining or tying to achieve the organization’s business goals. The current business state is the starting point in determining what needs to adjust in order to obtain to the desired business state. In order to propel the business to the desired levels, it is essentia l to understand the business model or models that an enterprise uses. It is also essential to evaluate the current business model and any other model that a corporation plans to implement in the future. Businesses usually look at projects of major impacts like Microsoft’s Exchange Server 2007 infrastructure design project as an opportunity to shift their model or strategy. An enterprise also uses a major project to enhance its position in the industry or change its internal operations. The current state of the Microsoft Corporation in terms of external influences (pestle) Microsoft is making changes to its current business model, embracing radical, inventive and new thinking, assimilating other companies and technologies in its domains. Microsoft is currently pursuing yahoo to enhance its competitive merit in the search business. The corporation has also joined other companies in dominating the market for cloud computing. Cloud computing is a domain that entails a centralized storage and information processing. The shift towards cloud computing could lessen the role of desktop computers and the servers and other equipments run by numerous corporations. The current strategic approach entails diversification through acquisition of complementary businesses that could be future rivals. It also shifts its marketing focus to tangle with Google over the search engine issue. However, Google and yahoo are some of the competitors to the Microsoft’s internet explorer (IE) (Hill & Jones, 2012, p 36). Microsoft is under external influence by the government to do certain activities following a suit by the Europe union. The U.S department of justice ordered that consumers ought to have a choice on what Windows features are obligatory in any fitting of the operating system. Furthermore, Microsoft has to reveal certain facts to third party developers to make software that better fits with Windows. In terms of external business; Microsoft faces a serious threat on its monopolistic practices as other players like the IBM Corporation and the Sun Microsystems seek protection from the European Union. These complementary corporations exert external pressure on Microsoft, which sometimes results in financial costs. For instance, Microsoft was fined $613 million in 2008

Are Black Afro Caribbean boys underachieving within the Education Dissertation - 1

Are Black Afro Caribbean boys underachieving within the Education system that are born in the UK - Dissertation Example However, it is also important to understand that success is about opportunity. In the case of Black Afro Caribbean boys, the opportunity for them may also rely on the level of encouragement given to them for success. These children are mostly encouraged to participate in sports, dance or music, but not on professions such as in line with politics and law. The sole purpose is to make them role models in arts and entertainment (BBC News, 2011). Thus, these children are given less substantial background on politics and law but they are rather given much exposure in areas such as sports, dance or music. Certainly, there are different perceptions or ideas about achieving and under achieving. In short, the perception about success may vary. This means that Black Afro Caribbean boys can become successful when it comes to the opportunity given to them but not on areas where they are not given much exposure or encouragement. Prior to the understanding of underachieving among Black Afro Caribb ean boys within the UK’s education system, it is important to understand the derivation of acknowledgement of achievement. Achievement in the academe is given greater weight in the measurement of one’s level of attainment in life. Education particularly in the UK is given with great importance. That is why performing better in the academe has become a good measure of one’s success. There is only secondary evaluation given to areas which pertain to talents and skills. In line with this, Black Afro Caribbean boys are usually secluded from academic evaluation due to the fact that they are much exposed to sports, dance, music and other skill and talent related areas. However, the issue of racial discrimination especially among teachers on black Caribbean pupils exists in the education system (Thomas et al., 2009). In this way, the entire evaluation system may not be having enough solid foundation for concise evaluative process. Thus, more relevant bases are necessar y in order to find out how exactly black Caribbean pupils are performing in school. Objectives It is in line with this that the proponent of this paper tries to evaluate and find out if Black Afro Caribbean boys are really underachieving in the academe provided that they are much exposed to sports, dance, and music and even susceptible to racial discrimination. On the other hand, it is also part of this paper to define what exactly are the bases or standards used in evaluating under achievement among Black Afro Caribbean boys. The proponent will particularly answer the following questions at the end of the study. 1. What are the reasons why children underachieve in education? 2. Are black Afro Caribbean boys especially under achieving within the education system in the UK? 3. What are the reasons and effects of different education system in the UK on black afro Caribbean’s boys lerning? 4. What are the prevailing perception and acknowledgement of achieving and under achieving ? 5. How and where does the acknowledgement of achievement derive? 6. Do black afro Caribbean boys have the same opportunities or expectations to achieve? 7. Are black afro Caribbean boys affected by the lack of male role models? 8. Do teachers have low expectations of social groups such as looked after children, asylum seekers, single parented families and the disabled etc? Methodology The proponent in general would therefore investigate the reasons why

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Deliberate Stereotyping Through Language of Various Groups Research Paper

Deliberate Stereotyping Through Language of Various Groups - Research Paper Example The average American lady works instead of just lazily sleeping all day (Leszczak 163). The two girls do not represent a small group of American ladies who prefer to wait for their handsome prince to sweep them off their feet into a world of house chores. Some girls prefer to wait for a rich suitor to marry them. After marriage, the ladies prefer to stay at home and care for the family. Caring for the family includes taking care of the children’s physical and emotional needs. Taking care of the children includes taking care of the love, care, and emotional needs of the busy working husband (Leszczak 163). Additionally, the cartoon television series The Simpsons show how the typical family life in America. The television show often shows common family issues that crop up in the average American family’s life. The television show also shows how the typical family resolves issues of misunderstanding among the family members. The same cartoon series shows how the average Fa mily resolves conflicts with the average American neighbor. Similarly, the same Simpson show indicates how the typical American family honors special holidays like Christmas day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Thanksgiving Day (Gray 41). African American Stereotyping American television stereotyping does not spare the African Americans from being one of the popular topics. In the 1915 Griffith film, Birth of a Nation, the film depicted the average African Americans as Toms, Coons, brutal bucks, tragic mulattoes or Mammies. The African American stereotype was infused into the 1974 Good Times television series. The same African American stereo was included in the creation of the 1993 South Central comedy television series. The African American audiences loved... This paper approves that all the above television series are not notoriety deserved. The concepts on the above works do not use offensive language. Some of the conversations of the above television series can be taking as curtailed irony. Consequently, we should not take all the stereotyping issues at face value. Rather, the stereotypes should be regarded as a small portion of the entire culture or outcome. Some television series deliberately stereotype children as eager learning individuals. The children’s television series cater to the cartoon television story needs of the children television audiences. The children would be happy to watch children’s television series. This report makes a conclusion that there are some lessons we can learn from the offensive language. First, we should censor the offensive language. Censorship means changing the language to milder or more tactful ones. The above television series are considered entertainment that adds lessons, morals, or values to the television audiences. The above television series clearly shows restraint in the use of offensive language. The offensive language rarely occurs in the entire television series. Based on the above discussion, deliberate stereotyping happens by focusing on the use of language of different groups (especially white people) in mainstream television shows. Some television series portray Asians and African Americans differently from White Americans. Other television shows portray women differently from men. Evidently, the research shows that most television series show a wrong image or stereotype of certain groups deliberately.